Monday, November 30, 2015


This month, being all of December I'm taking a break from media with a few other friends. All media instagram, blogging, and even pinterest. We're taking a step back and looking at each other. We're deciding that internet selves don't matter. It is crazy hard to keep off of social media. 

For some reason looking at social media puts me in a bad mood.
Only because of FOMO. 

Also known as Fear Of Missing Out. I feel super jealous when I see one of my friends in a group of others I'm good friends with but I'm not there. 

Why should I feel jealous? I shouldn't. This is why my friends and myself are going through a whole month without looking at our media.If you want to you should do it with us! It would be so cool to know viewers are doing it too! 

I want to be able to be real with everyone. Be able to look at them for something other than a post or username. I want to take a step back and look at my friends and appreciate them. 

I would love to not want to go back and look at Instagram and Pinterest for more than five minutes.  I want to get to do things I could have done when I was surfing the Internet instead. 

This wasn't my best post... at all. I hope you do it with me. May the Lord bless you all. 

P.S. I will be writing a post about Thanksgiving after the holidays are over. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Psh let's forget the HUT story it's too long and I've missed blogging. I just want to say sorry to those who might have been hurt by someone who calls themselves a Christian. Those who have been hurt have also probably hurt another person. This is the hard truth in my life. I saw something on pintrest the other day about gay parents who bring their children to rallies and that the children don't know what their parents are making them support. Then I read the comment under it and it urked me; it said something about so many people go to church and don't even know what their doing and what and who they are supporting. Some church goers are like that. Lots of churches will care about how you dress, and how you worship. Others are like cults. While others are happy clappy churches that only care that you love the Lord with all your heart. I am so sorry for all those I have and will hurt.I am as guilty as anyone for hurting someone. Not everyone in the church know what they are doing; this is very true. I hate that when people who aren't in love with Christ see the church as a bunch of terrible people who hate those who aren't Christian. Lots of places, clubs, any group gathering thing is seen by the worst person or peoples in the group. (Not very well described I know) God loves everyone, I have a hard time myself loving everyone. This is every human. Please hear me out, because Jesus loved everyone we should too; it doesn't mean we should love their actions, but rather love their soul and pray for everyone. This is a little venting session because of that pin that got me thinking hard. Thanks for reading if you did! God bless you; he and I love you! 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Oh so Much Fun!

Last weekend I went to a retreat thing. I'm guessing you can call it that. I actually went to a missions training village. If you want to go you can look up H.U.T (Harding University Tahkodah) I just wanted to tell you my H.U.T story.

I got up around 5:10 which was wayyy to early to go to church, but I had to catch the bus. We took an hour and a half drive to Camp Tahkodah. When we got there we piled off the bus and went into a big warehouse looking building. In the building we sat on some couches and sang many devo songs until it was time for our tour of the H.U.T grounds to start.

When the time came we went outside into some frigid cold weather and took a tour of the grounds. First we took a hike down to a place called the slums, just like all the slums  of the world. Then we carried on to some Japanese houses that were built high above the ground they were made mostly out of bamboo and were pretty cool! Next we headed off to the American houses, they were nasty there was trash and nasty grime everywhere, I was looking forward to not getting this hut. We then headed up to the second part of the American homes, it was a RV and there was a snake skin in there and possibly a raccoon. YUCK! We took a running hike up a very large hill and went to a I think a house that was supposed to be a house in the poorer part of Spain. It was neat. We next went to Bolivia and they had a different kind of toilet; it had a vent and the entire Bolivian ground stunk! We learned we would be paid for our later work here. Off to Africa we go! Their huts are nicer than most that were on the H.U.T grounds. Hopefully I will stay in there. It will be tons of fun. 

We finally came to an end to our tour. There about 30 feet from where we finished is a playground merry-go-round that makes energy as you turn it, haha we played on that for about an hour! It was so much fun! The hour was up so we joined the other church that had come to spend time with us. We played a game together were we had to carry water back and forth about 30 meters, not far, but boy howdy it sure hurt. God bless those who have to go miles and miles with even more water on their shoulders. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Notice Jesus Today?

An average friend will come and go, but true friends will stay through it all. I'm a little high school kid but I do know what true friendships are. Jesus is the one that will always be by your side through the thick and thin.
Jesus is that one true friend that stays forever. He will never give up on you and will never forsake you. You might not see now how he is working in your life, but as you look back you will see his good works. Friends are so hard to deal with but Jesus is the one that you will never tire of and will never talk about you and will be by your side. Just a little reminder.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Making Memories

I had the amazing opportunity to see Adam Cappa and Jeremy Camp in concert! I just had my birthday and this was my biggest present, I was so excited when I figured out! I still am, I really can't believe I had the awesome privilege of being there! 
I felt a closeness to GOD that I haven't felt in awhile, and it felt amazing. I love the LORD so much! The concert was in Little Rock Arkansas, it took my mom and I about an hour and a half to get to the big church the concert was in. Let me clear this up first, this concert was a benefit concert to raise money for cancer treatments for Alan Dickson. This was why the concert was held in a church's building. 
When we got there I was so excited I jumped the entire way in. *Hitting forehead because I was ridiculous* Adam Cappa sang all his songs first, he also introduced us to two new songs he has written, both beautiful heart melting for GOD songs. I was moved to tears because I was seeing the beauty of GOD all over again. 
Then when Adam Cappa left we had to wait about 15 minutes until Jeremy Camp came out. Just saying, he's a pretty handsome fellow. He sang many many beautiful songs. I was raising my hands again all over in surrender. Isn't it beautiful that we can surrender to GOD over and over again yet he never stops loving us. He doesn't trust us whatsoever, we need only trust him. 
In the middle of the concert I saw my friend Alex, she is one of the most Christlike people I know, we sang together for a little while. 
Then I sang with my mom the rest of the time. It was wonderfully amazing being able to rebuild my bonds with Christ and super cool being able to rebuild bonds with my mom. 
I'll never get tired of singing to GOD. On the way back home my mom and I were talking about how it must be so hard for Christian bands and singers to give all the glory to GOD. This is because they have written the music and sang it, then we clap for them or GOD. At first at this concert we were clapping for the singers, then as we paid more attention to the words and praised GOD for them we clapped because we were on fire for the LORD. So don't you think it would be hard not to take all the credit for the work and think everyone is clapping or "praising" you. It is hard for everyone to give all glory for GOD. But it might be especially hard for those who are in a famous position to give all the glory to GOD. Let us pray for those people. 
I love you all dearly even though I don't know you. GOD bless. 


Little Rock

I went to Little Rock Arkansas with my class. We were learning about the Little Rock nine it was so cool it
was! We went to the Clinton Library in the river, it was amazing! I absolutely loved seeing all of President Clinton's memorials. We toured and saw the "Oval Office", and the medallion President Clinton gave the Little Rock Nine. 
We also got to go to a national park thing, I'm sorry I can't remember what it's called but I do know it is the only national park that's a high school in America (link right here). The high school was Central High. It was huge! We had a lot of wind when we were there and it was pretty cold in the morning.
After touring the Clinton Library and Central High we went to the River Market Cafe. If you ever visit the River Market Cafe plan on staying for about an hour to two hours. There are so many different cultural foods you can choose from, some are the same kind. For instance there were two Thai and two Mexican cafes. Ask others for their opinion on whose food is better, because you probably don't want to waste money on food when you could get the same type of food somewhere else with more food and better quality taste. I would suggest getting a salad and water, there is a delicious salad, bakery cafe near the right end side of the market. 
I learned a many things about human equality. All men and women are created to fulfill the same purpose, and that is to serve God. Though many don't think so. We all have free will and that is a huge privilege! Everyone no matter skin, sex, religion, or any beliefs should be treated with equality.
This past weekend I stood up to someone. The felt that mine and others feelings didactic  matter as much as theirs. (Infuriating!!) Sorry, but we were made to treat others with all fairness and love no matter what others beliefs, religion, gender, of skin color. We were made to love all. 
Please always consider others feelings as yours, and maybe their problems are just as big as yours are in your head. Help them, encourage them. 
My teacher was telling us that one of her friends, a tour guide of Central High, was taking a large group of people around the high school and they came to the bathroom. In this bathroom one of the nine had to use the toilet, she had paper balls of fire thrown at her from over the stall doors and glass. Now in this group of people on the tour there was an older woman, and she knelt on the ground and sobbed. She was crying because she had to live with the shame of being in that bathroom at the same time this was happening and watch it all happen. She lived with the shame of not standing up for that poor girl. 
I know I don't want to live with the shame of something like that happening. Stand up for others, and always treat them with fairness.


I am wearing a cropped shirt with a tank top under it; the shirt is from Forever 21, my sneakers are from All Star Converse, and my KAVU bag by KAVU.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Kay, so Being Yourself?

Being yourself. What is it? Recently I was writing in a journal on how to behave so I could be better friends with those I had people crushes* on. What I was writing... well it wasn't me. 

So what is being yourself? It isn't what society says. There are many teenage, girly magazines tell you the steps to being yourself. If this is the way you want to be yourself that is completely up to you, this
might be the way you express yourself. This might be how you show others who you are. 

 I find that being yourself is the you that is the best you. Man, that is one confusing way of putting it! I'm saying; be the person you really wish you could see in others. This makes it sound like I'm asking you to be like the others around you; not what I'm saying. What I want to get across is, be the best you you can be. Lift others up and help encourage them be themselves. 

There are always people who won't like you. This is truthful. And it hurts. I learned this past month and a half that friends/acquaintances find me pretty annoying. But it was just me being myself, so I didn't understand. I'm probably more annoying than I think, but I'm myself. That is enough for me, this is how I will make my real friends. 

Also in being yourself don't go against God's will. We have had to change for God because our human natures and sins fog up our attitudes. We will always be changing for God. God made you in his image and we should strive to be like him. Being yourself for God is what he loves. That is enough for God. This probably doesn't make sense to you, it sounded a lot better in my head. 

*people crushes- at camp my friends and I had crushes on boys and people crushes on the people we wanted to be friends with. People crushes are those who make you really want to be their friend and inspire you. 


Friday, October 2, 2015


I'm sorry I haven't been posting, there are a few pictures I am hoping to upload and I can't get ahold of them at the moment. -Emma

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Journaling. Where do to begin? 
I love journaling, it creates a safe environment and a place where others can't tear you down. It's feelings on paper, but really it's your life on paper. Journaling has a sort of therapeutic sense. It helps calm nerves. I started journaling in fourth grade and I haven't been able to go a full month without it, up until now. 
Having not journaled for about two months there has been a change in my attitude, I'm angrier. Normally I would write all my anger out in one of my little books, but I just don't have the fuel too.
My grandmother and I both keep journals. She has around 200 and they all have a different purpose. For instance one might be about funny things she has seen, and another may be about one Christmas she can remember from when she was a child. I always have trouble deciding what my each of my journals topics might be. Because of my troubles here is a list of topics to get you out of your "stump". 

Little rules of life
A detailed monthly journal
Question and Answer booklet
Things you remember from before kindergarten
Jokes you've heard
A food journal
Make a recipe book
Write down 10,000 things you should be thankful for
A journal about your anger. Then burn it
Do not make a burn book, only burn your books if they're really bad
Ideas you've had
A prayer journal
Books and their reviews
A quote/poetry/lyrics journal
A how/wow/pow journal- this is how God has blessed you, something amazing that has happened to you, and a negative part of your day

Have fun with your journals, write whatever you want to in them! It's your thinking pad. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Inspirational Verses pt.1

There are many, many, and many verses. I have decided to start a monthly series of inspirational verses.  I would have never thought of these before I saw them pop up on Pintrest. Some of these I have had to think about really hard, there are just some verses and parts of the bible that all of us can't wrap our minds around. These are just some that I have managed to pick up.

Revelation 21:4- One day GOD will wipe away every tear and take away all your pain. 

Isaiah 58:9- Then you shall call and the LORD will answer, you will cry and he shall say, "Here I am." 

Philliphians 1:6- He will finish what he has started. 
Psalm 28:7- The LORD is my strength and my shield in him my heart trusts. 

1 Corinthians 1:9-  She holds onto hope for he is forever faithful. 

John 13:7- Jesus replied," You do not understand what I am doing now, but someday you will."

Psalms 143:8- Show me the way I should walk. 

Luke 1:37- "For no word of GOD will ever fail." 

Matthew 5:14- Be the light

Friday, September 11, 2015

Harry Potter

Harry Potter made into a devotional. Woah?! What just happened? 

So to sum up Harry Potter, there is a school for children with magical powers. Because they can't be accepted for their abilities anywhere else in the country, so they go to Hogwarts. They go to this place because this is their purpose. 

There are teachers there who help these children develop their abilities. And there is a place for every person in this series. Each character has a purpose.

Throughout the series you see a character, Neville Longbottom, doing very badly in school, and he isn't so good at magic. In the end he has a purpose, instead of a shy chunky little kid he becomes a strong brave fighter for what he believes in.

He has a purpose. 

Harry develops his skills with the work of his teachers and friends who (most times) push him to do the right thing. He defeats Voldemort with his awesome skills.
He has a purpose. Just like you.

God put you here because you are ment for something, you have a purpose. There are teachers in your life who will help you become the warriors of the Lord that you are meant to be. 

They will push you to being brave and selfless. You have a purpose like everyone else. You were sent to the place you are now because that place will help you become the strong man/woman you are for the Lord. 

You have a purpose. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Good Friends


What is a good friend? A good friend is someone who stands by you during all times. I know I am not always a good friend. I have always need God's help with this.

I don't especially like saying that I'm not a good friend, but it's the truth. Sometimes I am biased about who I hang out with. Jesus was never like that. He loved everyone, he was friends with everyone he came in contact with, and those he didn't. Like me. 

Jesus wasn't biased. I want to be like him. So to completely answer the question, "What is a good friend" here is my answer.a good friend doesn't say bad things behind your back, they don't tell one person something and not the other. Like the saying says, "Friends make secrets, but secrets don't make friends." Good friends lift each other up and encourage at all times. I want to be this friend and I want you to be this friend to everyone. 

Jesus was a friend to everyone... Including me. I tell Christ all my troubles because he listens. All the time. He tells you the answer to your problems. He won't tell right away but he gives a path for you to follow without you realizing it. This is confusing, I know, but I have no other way to explain it! God is great and his love satisfies. Turn to him. 


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Faith, Freedom, and Foster Care

Faith. My goodness, so much rests on this. I can't begin to comprehend what life without God would be like. I struggle, I struggle with believing and sometimes loving God. Although I have grown up in a Christian environment I still struggle. 

I struggle because Satan likes to whisper these ridiculous questions in my ear. For instance, "Are you sure the bible wasn't made up?" "How is there such evil in the world?" "Why not do that?" 

These questions shake me. I trip and fall. This summer my foster sister left while I was at camp, and went back to her mom. I was depressed because I loved her so much, I love so much. I beginning to feel that God was trying to be "mean" to me. Really though, he was teaching me a lesson. My counselor (I love her so much too) sat on a porch swing with me and we talked for an hour.

I told her why I was crying and she comforted me. We talked about foster care and how we do our by loving each child that comes along, and showing them that they are loved so much! That is why God has put foster children into my family, because they need to grow up in a loving environment and with Christ. I am there to give them this. 

We sat in silence for awhile, just watching the leaves blow in the wind. And to let me cry. She said, "You know, God is like the wind. We know he is there, we can feel him, but we can't see him." 

This is one of the two things God taught me that day. He grabbed me by my hand and said, "Stop! I am here! And I love you. I have a plan for you and for your foster sister. I have not forgotten you. Hold on to me. I am holding on to you." 

I hope you find your blessings in the hardest of times. -Emma 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Emma's Favorite Sandwich

I went over to my friend Emma's house two or three weeks ago and had the most delicious sandwich ever. It was my absolute favorite sandwich ever. Here is what you'll need: 

-bread (whatever kind you would like) 
-whatever spices you like

So first you need to take all your avocado and put it into some container and mash it up to make guacamole then after it becomes only a paste, put it into your fridge. Then start grilling your chicken, then chop up a tomato and put it in the oven to bake. Once your chicken and tomatoes are almost ready toast your bread and put all of that together. BAM! It just happened, you made my favorite sandwich. By the way these sandwiches are not up to par, I also used sun dried tomatoes so they look a little gross. They also don't look half as good as when Emma and I made them. Hope you enjoy it yourself! -Emma 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Dull Little Post

Sorry for the really super dull blogger that hasn't been posting anything. I've been sick with the big bad terrible allergies for the past 4-5 days. I would have written a post, but I didn't feel like it. 

You probably know how it is to have a really dull sick life where your not sure you want to do something or not. That was me, and I didn't want to blog.

So, I'm super sorry for that and I hope you forgive me for being so dull, I will actually work on the next post and make it worth your while. 

God bless you, bye! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Curly Hair


I have super duper crazy curls! I love them!

I can't say I've always liked it, but now I embrace my hair, except when it gets broken and super frizzy. I have my own tips to give with what Ido with my curly hair.

I never brush my hair before taking a shower, I don't ever do that, it breaks my hair so badly and my hair just gets even more tangled. 

I keep my hair in multiple clumps by keeping a bit of conditioner in my hair. When taking a shower I put conditioner in the ends of my hair after it is completely brushed out then I lean my head back into the water and let it wash out for about 30 seconds. That tends to get most of it out. 

I don't touch my hair during that time at all, then I wrong out my hair without messing up the clumps of hair. Then I wrap it up in a long sleeve t-shirt and keep that there about 5-10 minutes. 

After I am done doing this I get a blow drier with a diffuser and dry my hair while my head is upside down. 

I really like to use  Tressmae mousse. It works very well. 

Hope this helps you curlies!  Bye! 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Back to School Tips and Tricks

School has always been off to a rougher start for me. But what really helps me is asking for advice from others. I have a youtube video that has a couple tips and tricks.

Surviving Kit:                                    
  • tide to go
  • on the spot treatment for emergencies
  • small mousse
  •  extra hairbands and bobby pins
  • encouraging bible verse
  • concealer
  • mints, because get real our breath gets smelly.
  •  mini deo for my b.o.
  • chapstick
  • pads and tampons (if you use those)

When you are stressed out, take a deep breath in and out  remember who you are and whose you are. You are a very important individual, you are unique and you are the only you there is. Sometimes you go through really tough spots with friends at any time of the school year. 

I had those problems. It was a time where I really considered so many things about myself being worthless, good for nothing and downright useless. But that was also the time when I realised who my real friends were, they were the ones who lifted me up during all times and didn't make me feel as alone. 

They showed me who Jesus is. 

When you ate setting up your locker I suggest if you are using locker shelves get wooden ones or make some, they are so much more use full, and you can customize them! Also those chandeliers and locker rugs make life a whole lot more complicated. 

It is a huge hassle trying to get everything into your locker with all the extra things in there. use strong magnets  to help hang stuff in your locker they are so much more use full.

I would love to talk to my regular viewers! If you have any questions, please ask, I would love to talk to you guys! 

I really hope you have a good start to the school year! Good luck!

Monday, August 10, 2015

A Little Quote

Just a little encouragement for today, remember to live life to the fullest. Embrace what you love and don't let others get in the way of  what you want to do. 

You're a diamond, and you're God's. Be happy always and remember to encourage others. 
Don't discourage others in doing their choice in life. Life isn't what a struggle against others it's a struggle against oneself. 

Be the one to help others choose the right thing. I know that the choices I make are now my own, and no one has discouraged me into doing the wrong thing. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Free Will

Free will! Amazing! This is one of the many amazing ways God shows that he really does love us and it shows that when ce come to him and love him our love for him is worth having. I have had people that I've wanted to become my friends, and once we became friends we started loving each other and our friendship is worth fighting for.

It surely is lovely to have free will, although it does make sin possible it also makes true love with God possible. God has asked us to share his word so that others will come to love him as much as we do. We are not a puppet told what to do, we can choose to love God and that is how I have come to love God, this is one way we are free in God's love. We have free will, please choose the one who loves you, he will keep you safe.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

My Bible Notes

These are some of many of the little notes in the pages of my bible, I hope these encourage you. They have helped me through a lot.
  • The world doesn't revolve around me Phil 2:5-11
  • Faith, love and Hope anide, the greatest of these is love
  • It is my desire if it is your will.
  • The older people of our generation have low expectations of us. Let us set higher standards for the men and women we should be.
  • Slow down in life or you'll miss the blessings
  • Dear reader, you are not alone even if you feel like it
  • I will serve where I'm needed
  • Obeying the Lord- obey your parents as they are righteously preparing you. if they are not don't obey their wishes that wouldn't please the Lord.
  • What you will thank your parents for is shaping you
  • We need to choose between worldly fun and fulfilling, but fulfilling can be fun too.
  • Some think the bible's rules keep us from freedom, but what it does is help us towards freedom
  • Don't consider appearances because God looks at the heart.
  • The quality of this life will be better if you surround yourself with the Lord. 
  • We trust that God knows best.  

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


These are some of the goals I want to fulfill this month:

  • Be better to my siblings
  • Talk about my relationship with the Lord to my friends
  • Tell others what I am thankful for
  • Go on a hike
  • Start a journal
  • Fix up my blog
  • Read To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Start of the school year successfully
  • Become friends with the new kids
  • Revive my relationship with my best friend 
  • Read my devotional book
  • Keep a planner
  • Pray more often
  • Set my locker up 

Monday, August 3, 2015


Lots of times I find myself thinking, "God why are you doing this to me?!" The thing is, he isn't doing anything, except trying to protect you. He gives blessings upon blessings to us. But most times we take advantage of our blessings and we don't even realize what they are.

For instance we have plenty of water, food, and clothing, we also have the internet and we don't even need it! So why complain? God causes no troubles in our lives whatsoever, he does let them happen a lot but each time he carries us through the tough times. Have you ever stopped to just thank God for the chair your sitting in? See we can't complain when we have what we need. Someone else always has it off worse than us.

Instead thank God for everything, even your troubles because you can learn so much from them.  I have learnt so much form God during my hard times. I'm going to challenge you readers to thank God for everything you wouldn't have noticed and to do this at the end of the day.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

A Journal Entry

I've seen Christ everywhere today! I have the chance to go to camp every day and it's such a blessing! I saw God in everything today my friends, the weather, and the light shining out of everyone's hearts. I also reconnected with God today, I've recently been focusing on materialistic things, and I felt like a mannequin. I kept praying over and over again but I felt as if I had no love behind my prayers, as if I didn't want anything to happen. God answered all my prayers today.

I have a constant need for Christ but I don't always know it. I know he is always there to watch me and help me through my rough times and he has a need for my love. I do love God above all else, and that's the most important thing ever. But most times I am distracted because of everything around me, especially gossip.  I need to be the Christ-like example that I should be.

I always have a tug on my brain and heart pulling me back towards Christ every time. I surrender over and over again, more than all the times you see your favorite characters breaking up and getting back together on your favorite tv show. It's tough admitting that you've been wrong but Christ always accepts your apologies with open arms. That's one thing I love about God he is never willing to give up on us. He is awesome.

This is what I would normally write in a journal. Excuse the madness of this post. and thanks so much if you read this whole post. With love, -Emma

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Jesus Take the Wheel

I just got my permit this summer, it has been so much fun learning to drive. But driving is also very dangerous.  You always have to be aware of your surroundings and you have to always be watching ahead of you on the road. Driving can also be a good example of life and your "drive" with God. You have to keep your eyes on him, he is the road, if you don't keep your eyes on him you can veer off the path and end up in a wreck. Col 3:2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. The earthly things are the distractions that can cause you to look away for too long and hurt yourself. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus.

In my driver's study guide I learned that I need to make a path that is easy and safest o go on towards my destination. God does not require this he gives us obstacles and helps us through the storm. But he lets us fall into trouble sometimes so we can turn to him and say, "Lord , I need you, help me." Have you heard the poem about the footprints in the sand?

There wa a man walking on the beach with God, but sometimes there was only one set of footprints in the sand, and this was where the water came and where the hard parts where. The man asked, "Why do I see only one pair of footprints during the hard times", he said thinking they were his footprints. But God replied, "Those were the times that I carried you."

God carries us through all sorts of storms. Those storms are the hardest parts of the path we walk on and those are the times God carries us, most times without us even knowing. But somehow after all these hard times I hope to reach the day where I meet God and he lets me into heaven saying, " I know you come in." I'm crying tears of joy just thinking about that right now.

Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

He Loves us oh, how He Loves us!

I am a sinner. But God loves me.

It's hard to love everyone, and I know that well. I have to pray a lot to God for help loving everyone. These past two years it feels like I made God my acquaintance, and pushed him out, it was like I didn't even know him. It was terrible. I was also bullied a lot this past year I got to a point where I felt depressed and torn down by everything this person said that I shut everything and everyone out. But one Sunday before church even started I broke down and sobbed.But then I started praying and I figured out I had been a bully too. I started talking to my friends again and apologized for the things I did wrong leading up to my depression.  

But there was good that came out of being depressed, I can now help so many others by knowing what to say and how to build them up out of that "pit of despair". What really helped me during that time was God he called out to me and told me that he loved me, and that I wasn't worthless.

He loves us enough to make us. He also loves enough to send his son to die for us, and he didn't have to. That shows above all that he loves us. We can show we love him by respecting others and ourselves, we show we love him by shining his light through our actions.

We can't ever repay the Lord for what we have done. Yet he loves us no matter the circumstances. His love satisfies. His love is sufficient.  So...

Dear Reader,
The creator of the universe loves you. he made you exactly the way he wanted to. and He has no fault. His love is overwhelming because he loves more than anyone can imagine.

With Love I leave, Emma.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

On the Solid Rock I Stand

Of course, another song title, but there are lots of blog post titles like these to come!

I'm never good with introductions, especially written ones. But today I want to talk about standing on the rock and striving to be a rock that others can look to. God is the rock we stand on, he will always support us, in our good decisions, and he is always someone we can fall back on when we need help. When we have all the distractions in life we can always go to God seeking refuge. He is wise, patient, merciful, and loving. We can always fall back on the rock. Psalm 61:2 Is a great reminder that he will always be there.

There are many of verses of God and Jesus being called the rock. and We can take so much from that. Two years ago the theme at the summer camp that I go to was, Higher Ground. and our theme song was the one with the lyrics that say, "On solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand." I actually can't remember much more than that, but I know we had devotionals about the Lord being the rock in our life and us striving to be the rock of Christ's church.
( Matthew 16:8- And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. )

I can't say I know the full reason that Christ is called the rock. This is what I understand, Christ is called the rock because he is strong, he supports us, his love never changes. he is called the Rock because he is solid in being there for us. We have probably heard of the Wise and Foolish Builders before, in this story Jesus is calling he and God the rock that we can depend on. (No devotional about the Rock can be complete without this parable.)

I hope this helped you in some way, and I hope you have a blessed day (or night) Don't be shy in saying that Christ is your Rock. Much love. -Emma

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Light a Fire in my Soul

Light a fire in my weary soul
fan the flame make my spirit whole 
Lord you know where I've been
so light  a fire in my heart again.

I think we all know this song. Recently I've had trouble with letting the Lord light a fire in my soul. I haven't let him in, I have so many ups and down in my relationship with God. I know everyone has relationship roller coasters with him. I love having the chills of , "Wow where has God been in my life?" ( I just made those up) 
And all I do is look up and say, "Hey God I've missed you"

I hve a lot more connections with God during my school year because I always strive to bring my school chums closer to God by showing what he can do with his power and love. In the summers things have gotten quieter between God and I and I missed him so much. So I made up my mind, every morning I am going to let the first thing I say be a prayer saying thank you for another chance to show you and further your kingdom. I love going to sleep and waking up to the glory of God. 

My mom just now took me to the top of a hill where you could see lightning all around and I had one of those chills race up my back. Whenever I surrender to God he forgives me and welcomes me into his arms with an open smile every time.  I love the Lord with all my heart. 

 I found this list on Pintrest ( of course) of things to do before getting on the internet:
  • Read a chapter of the bible
  • Make a list of people and pray for them! Become a prayer warrior!
  • Tell God about your day
  • Call someone just for the sake of calling them
  • Text someone you haven't talked to in awhile and ask if they need anything to be prayed for
  • Hand write an uplifting note to someone
This helps a lot. 

Let the Lord light a fire in your soul, God made you special and he loves you very much.


Monday, April 6, 2015

Until the Whole World Hears

I never thought about how many people don't know about God until I saw this pin today. 


This breaks my heart, I had no idea that so many people have to go to hell just because of this. Don't get the wrong message here, I am not mad at God. It is just that I never sat back to think about this. 
Matthew 5:16- Shine your light on the world. 
Make sure to spread the message of God in your life, thousands of people can be saved because of this. 
Daniel 12:3 those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever. 
Never forget this! God bless you! God loves you! 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

God's Voice v.s Satan's

Of course there is a drastic difference between God's and Satan's voices. These are some ways that you can tell the difference. Keep your eyes on God.




Remember to always be focused on what God is saying, do not stray from his path. When you are in doubt of what the voice is saying Satan is probably speaking to you. Just kneel down and pray. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


When I say fight, I do not mean that you should throw punches or kick people, etc. What I do mean is that you should fight for what you believe in. Fight to spread God's word! God will also fight for you.              


Acts 18:9One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.

Spread the word, do not let anyone tell you to be quiet, fight to shout the words of truth. 

Romans 8:31What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

God supports us, he is behind us, he helps us in proclaiming the good news! 

2 CorinthiansThat is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Fighting can be tough, it define toy brings hardships and pain, but it is what God pleases, and that is forever what I will do. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Finding motivation is hard. Really hard, but these are some verses that help me a lot! 

1 John 3:1- how Great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God.

Psalms 30:5- Joy comes in the morning! 

Isaiah 40:8- The grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of God endures FOREVER. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 - My grace is sufficient for you. 

Exodus 14:14- The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still. 

Titus 3:14- Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives.

Proverbs 31:27- She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.

Proverbs 14:23- All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

Colossians 3:23- Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. 

I hope these help some, but what can really motivate is prayer! 

Am I Generic?

First of all I don't know why I asked, because I know I'm not. I know I am fearfully and wonderfully made! That is the most awesome thing ever! I was made how God wanted me to be made. 
The thing is that I also do what God does NOT want me to do, and that isn't okay. I realized just today that I laugh at the things that aren't funny. At all.

At lunch I was being very quiet and just listening to the conversation around me, sadly I can only hear out of one ear at the moment, but what I did hear was not okay. I heard all my good friends laughing at sin. SIN?! I mean how is that supposed to be funny!? 

It struck me that sin is the butt of most jokes today and that I laugh at that. God wanted me to laugh for joy and love, not dirty rotten sin. I talked to some girls after school about this and I was saying this you could see the realization on their faces, like they just had a lightbulb moment. I promised to myself that If Jesus wouldn't laugh about it then, I shouldn't. No one should. 

Ephesians 5:4~ Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving!
I'm pretty sure this sums it up. I actually had to look up the word obscenity before I typed it, one of the relegated words that popped up was impure. I thought that put a pin on it. I want to let cheerful topics be the things we laugh about. 

I asked if I am generic because everyone else laughs about these things, including me. I didn't stop it I didn't do anything to change it or show that I am different from the others. I want to be special and not generic. 

-Emma Grace