Monday, August 3, 2015


Lots of times I find myself thinking, "God why are you doing this to me?!" The thing is, he isn't doing anything, except trying to protect you. He gives blessings upon blessings to us. But most times we take advantage of our blessings and we don't even realize what they are.

For instance we have plenty of water, food, and clothing, we also have the internet and we don't even need it! So why complain? God causes no troubles in our lives whatsoever, he does let them happen a lot but each time he carries us through the tough times. Have you ever stopped to just thank God for the chair your sitting in? See we can't complain when we have what we need. Someone else always has it off worse than us.

Instead thank God for everything, even your troubles because you can learn so much from them.  I have learnt so much form God during my hard times. I'm going to challenge you readers to thank God for everything you wouldn't have noticed and to do this at the end of the day.