Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Light a Fire in my Soul

Light a fire in my weary soul
fan the flame make my spirit whole 
Lord you know where I've been
so light  a fire in my heart again.

I think we all know this song. Recently I've had trouble with letting the Lord light a fire in my soul. I haven't let him in, I have so many ups and down in my relationship with God. I know everyone has relationship roller coasters with him. I love having the chills of , "Wow where has God been in my life?" ( I just made those up) 
And all I do is look up and say, "Hey God I've missed you"

I hve a lot more connections with God during my school year because I always strive to bring my school chums closer to God by showing what he can do with his power and love. In the summers things have gotten quieter between God and I and I missed him so much. So I made up my mind, every morning I am going to let the first thing I say be a prayer saying thank you for another chance to show you and further your kingdom. I love going to sleep and waking up to the glory of God. 

My mom just now took me to the top of a hill where you could see lightning all around and I had one of those chills race up my back. Whenever I surrender to God he forgives me and welcomes me into his arms with an open smile every time.  I love the Lord with all my heart. 

 I found this list on Pintrest ( of course) of things to do before getting on the internet:
  • Read a chapter of the bible
  • Make a list of people and pray for them! Become a prayer warrior!
  • Tell God about your day
  • Call someone just for the sake of calling them
  • Text someone you haven't talked to in awhile and ask if they need anything to be prayed for
  • Hand write an uplifting note to someone
This helps a lot. 

Let the Lord light a fire in your soul, God made you special and he loves you very much.
