Of course, another song title, but there are lots of blog post titles like these to come!
I'm never good with introductions, especially written ones. But today I want to talk about standing on the rock and striving to be a rock that others can look to. God is the rock we stand on, he will always support us, in our good decisions, and he is always someone we can fall back on when we need help. When we have all the distractions in life we can always go to God seeking refuge. He is wise, patient, merciful, and loving. We can always fall back on the rock. Psalm 61:2 Is a great reminder that he will always be there.
There are many of verses of God and Jesus being called the rock. and We can take so much from that. Two years ago the theme at the summer camp that I go to was, Higher Ground. and our theme song was the one with the lyrics that say, "On solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand." I actually can't remember much more than that, but I know we had devotionals about the Lord being the rock in our life and us striving to be the rock of Christ's church.
( Matthew 16:8- And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. )
I can't say I know the full reason that Christ is called the rock. This is what I understand, Christ is called the rock because he is strong, he supports us, his love never changes. he is called the Rock because he is solid in being there for us. We have probably heard of the Wise and Foolish Builders before, in this story Jesus is calling he and God the rock that we can depend on. (No devotional about the Rock can be complete without this parable.)
I hope this helped you in some way, and I hope you have a blessed day (or night) Don't be shy in saying that Christ is your Rock. Much love. -Emma