Monday, October 19, 2015

Little Rock

I went to Little Rock Arkansas with my class. We were learning about the Little Rock nine it was so cool it
was! We went to the Clinton Library in the river, it was amazing! I absolutely loved seeing all of President Clinton's memorials. We toured and saw the "Oval Office", and the medallion President Clinton gave the Little Rock Nine. 
We also got to go to a national park thing, I'm sorry I can't remember what it's called but I do know it is the only national park that's a high school in America (link right here). The high school was Central High. It was huge! We had a lot of wind when we were there and it was pretty cold in the morning.
After touring the Clinton Library and Central High we went to the River Market Cafe. If you ever visit the River Market Cafe plan on staying for about an hour to two hours. There are so many different cultural foods you can choose from, some are the same kind. For instance there were two Thai and two Mexican cafes. Ask others for their opinion on whose food is better, because you probably don't want to waste money on food when you could get the same type of food somewhere else with more food and better quality taste. I would suggest getting a salad and water, there is a delicious salad, bakery cafe near the right end side of the market. 
I learned a many things about human equality. All men and women are created to fulfill the same purpose, and that is to serve God. Though many don't think so. We all have free will and that is a huge privilege! Everyone no matter skin, sex, religion, or any beliefs should be treated with equality.
This past weekend I stood up to someone. The felt that mine and others feelings didactic  matter as much as theirs. (Infuriating!!) Sorry, but we were made to treat others with all fairness and love no matter what others beliefs, religion, gender, of skin color. We were made to love all. 
Please always consider others feelings as yours, and maybe their problems are just as big as yours are in your head. Help them, encourage them. 
My teacher was telling us that one of her friends, a tour guide of Central High, was taking a large group of people around the high school and they came to the bathroom. In this bathroom one of the nine had to use the toilet, she had paper balls of fire thrown at her from over the stall doors and glass. Now in this group of people on the tour there was an older woman, and she knelt on the ground and sobbed. She was crying because she had to live with the shame of being in that bathroom at the same time this was happening and watch it all happen. She lived with the shame of not standing up for that poor girl. 
I know I don't want to live with the shame of something like that happening. Stand up for others, and always treat them with fairness.


I am wearing a cropped shirt with a tank top under it; the shirt is from Forever 21, my sneakers are from All Star Converse, and my KAVU bag by KAVU.