Monday, October 19, 2015

Making Memories

I had the amazing opportunity to see Adam Cappa and Jeremy Camp in concert! I just had my birthday and this was my biggest present, I was so excited when I figured out! I still am, I really can't believe I had the awesome privilege of being there! 
I felt a closeness to GOD that I haven't felt in awhile, and it felt amazing. I love the LORD so much! The concert was in Little Rock Arkansas, it took my mom and I about an hour and a half to get to the big church the concert was in. Let me clear this up first, this concert was a benefit concert to raise money for cancer treatments for Alan Dickson. This was why the concert was held in a church's building. 
When we got there I was so excited I jumped the entire way in. *Hitting forehead because I was ridiculous* Adam Cappa sang all his songs first, he also introduced us to two new songs he has written, both beautiful heart melting for GOD songs. I was moved to tears because I was seeing the beauty of GOD all over again. 
Then when Adam Cappa left we had to wait about 15 minutes until Jeremy Camp came out. Just saying, he's a pretty handsome fellow. He sang many many beautiful songs. I was raising my hands again all over in surrender. Isn't it beautiful that we can surrender to GOD over and over again yet he never stops loving us. He doesn't trust us whatsoever, we need only trust him. 
In the middle of the concert I saw my friend Alex, she is one of the most Christlike people I know, we sang together for a little while. 
Then I sang with my mom the rest of the time. It was wonderfully amazing being able to rebuild my bonds with Christ and super cool being able to rebuild bonds with my mom. 
I'll never get tired of singing to GOD. On the way back home my mom and I were talking about how it must be so hard for Christian bands and singers to give all the glory to GOD. This is because they have written the music and sang it, then we clap for them or GOD. At first at this concert we were clapping for the singers, then as we paid more attention to the words and praised GOD for them we clapped because we were on fire for the LORD. So don't you think it would be hard not to take all the credit for the work and think everyone is clapping or "praising" you. It is hard for everyone to give all glory for GOD. But it might be especially hard for those who are in a famous position to give all the glory to GOD. Let us pray for those people. 
I love you all dearly even though I don't know you. GOD bless. 
