Thursday, September 10, 2015

Good Friends


What is a good friend? A good friend is someone who stands by you during all times. I know I am not always a good friend. I have always need God's help with this.

I don't especially like saying that I'm not a good friend, but it's the truth. Sometimes I am biased about who I hang out with. Jesus was never like that. He loved everyone, he was friends with everyone he came in contact with, and those he didn't. Like me. 

Jesus wasn't biased. I want to be like him. So to completely answer the question, "What is a good friend" here is my answer.a good friend doesn't say bad things behind your back, they don't tell one person something and not the other. Like the saying says, "Friends make secrets, but secrets don't make friends." Good friends lift each other up and encourage at all times. I want to be this friend and I want you to be this friend to everyone. 

Jesus was a friend to everyone... Including me. I tell Christ all my troubles because he listens. All the time. He tells you the answer to your problems. He won't tell right away but he gives a path for you to follow without you realizing it. This is confusing, I know, but I have no other way to explain it! God is great and his love satisfies. Turn to him. 
