Monday, November 30, 2015


This month, being all of December I'm taking a break from media with a few other friends. All media instagram, blogging, and even pinterest. We're taking a step back and looking at each other. We're deciding that internet selves don't matter. It is crazy hard to keep off of social media. 

For some reason looking at social media puts me in a bad mood.
Only because of FOMO. 

Also known as Fear Of Missing Out. I feel super jealous when I see one of my friends in a group of others I'm good friends with but I'm not there. 

Why should I feel jealous? I shouldn't. This is why my friends and myself are going through a whole month without looking at our media.If you want to you should do it with us! It would be so cool to know viewers are doing it too! 

I want to be able to be real with everyone. Be able to look at them for something other than a post or username. I want to take a step back and look at my friends and appreciate them. 

I would love to not want to go back and look at Instagram and Pinterest for more than five minutes.  I want to get to do things I could have done when I was surfing the Internet instead. 

This wasn't my best post... at all. I hope you do it with me. May the Lord bless you all. 

P.S. I will be writing a post about Thanksgiving after the holidays are over.