Saturday, August 15, 2015

Back to School Tips and Tricks

School has always been off to a rougher start for me. But what really helps me is asking for advice from others. I have a youtube video that has a couple tips and tricks.

Surviving Kit:                                    
  • tide to go
  • on the spot treatment for emergencies
  • small mousse
  •  extra hairbands and bobby pins
  • encouraging bible verse
  • concealer
  • mints, because get real our breath gets smelly.
  •  mini deo for my b.o.
  • chapstick
  • pads and tampons (if you use those)

When you are stressed out, take a deep breath in and out  remember who you are and whose you are. You are a very important individual, you are unique and you are the only you there is. Sometimes you go through really tough spots with friends at any time of the school year. 

I had those problems. It was a time where I really considered so many things about myself being worthless, good for nothing and downright useless. But that was also the time when I realised who my real friends were, they were the ones who lifted me up during all times and didn't make me feel as alone. 

They showed me who Jesus is. 

When you ate setting up your locker I suggest if you are using locker shelves get wooden ones or make some, they are so much more use full, and you can customize them! Also those chandeliers and locker rugs make life a whole lot more complicated. 

It is a huge hassle trying to get everything into your locker with all the extra things in there. use strong magnets  to help hang stuff in your locker they are so much more use full.

I would love to talk to my regular viewers! If you have any questions, please ask, I would love to talk to you guys! 

I really hope you have a good start to the school year! Good luck!