Monday, August 31, 2015

Emma's Favorite Sandwich

I went over to my friend Emma's house two or three weeks ago and had the most delicious sandwich ever. It was my absolute favorite sandwich ever. Here is what you'll need: 

-bread (whatever kind you would like) 
-whatever spices you like

So first you need to take all your avocado and put it into some container and mash it up to make guacamole then after it becomes only a paste, put it into your fridge. Then start grilling your chicken, then chop up a tomato and put it in the oven to bake. Once your chicken and tomatoes are almost ready toast your bread and put all of that together. BAM! It just happened, you made my favorite sandwich. By the way these sandwiches are not up to par, I also used sun dried tomatoes so they look a little gross. They also don't look half as good as when Emma and I made them. Hope you enjoy it yourself! -Emma 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Dull Little Post

Sorry for the really super dull blogger that hasn't been posting anything. I've been sick with the big bad terrible allergies for the past 4-5 days. I would have written a post, but I didn't feel like it. 

You probably know how it is to have a really dull sick life where your not sure you want to do something or not. That was me, and I didn't want to blog.

So, I'm super sorry for that and I hope you forgive me for being so dull, I will actually work on the next post and make it worth your while. 

God bless you, bye! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Curly Hair


I have super duper crazy curls! I love them!

I can't say I've always liked it, but now I embrace my hair, except when it gets broken and super frizzy. I have my own tips to give with what Ido with my curly hair.

I never brush my hair before taking a shower, I don't ever do that, it breaks my hair so badly and my hair just gets even more tangled. 

I keep my hair in multiple clumps by keeping a bit of conditioner in my hair. When taking a shower I put conditioner in the ends of my hair after it is completely brushed out then I lean my head back into the water and let it wash out for about 30 seconds. That tends to get most of it out. 

I don't touch my hair during that time at all, then I wrong out my hair without messing up the clumps of hair. Then I wrap it up in a long sleeve t-shirt and keep that there about 5-10 minutes. 

After I am done doing this I get a blow drier with a diffuser and dry my hair while my head is upside down. 

I really like to use  Tressmae mousse. It works very well. 

Hope this helps you curlies!  Bye! 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Back to School Tips and Tricks

School has always been off to a rougher start for me. But what really helps me is asking for advice from others. I have a youtube video that has a couple tips and tricks.

Surviving Kit:                                    
  • tide to go
  • on the spot treatment for emergencies
  • small mousse
  •  extra hairbands and bobby pins
  • encouraging bible verse
  • concealer
  • mints, because get real our breath gets smelly.
  •  mini deo for my b.o.
  • chapstick
  • pads and tampons (if you use those)

When you are stressed out, take a deep breath in and out  remember who you are and whose you are. You are a very important individual, you are unique and you are the only you there is. Sometimes you go through really tough spots with friends at any time of the school year. 

I had those problems. It was a time where I really considered so many things about myself being worthless, good for nothing and downright useless. But that was also the time when I realised who my real friends were, they were the ones who lifted me up during all times and didn't make me feel as alone. 

They showed me who Jesus is. 

When you ate setting up your locker I suggest if you are using locker shelves get wooden ones or make some, they are so much more use full, and you can customize them! Also those chandeliers and locker rugs make life a whole lot more complicated. 

It is a huge hassle trying to get everything into your locker with all the extra things in there. use strong magnets  to help hang stuff in your locker they are so much more use full.

I would love to talk to my regular viewers! If you have any questions, please ask, I would love to talk to you guys! 

I really hope you have a good start to the school year! Good luck!

Monday, August 10, 2015

A Little Quote

Just a little encouragement for today, remember to live life to the fullest. Embrace what you love and don't let others get in the way of  what you want to do. 

You're a diamond, and you're God's. Be happy always and remember to encourage others. 
Don't discourage others in doing their choice in life. Life isn't what a struggle against others it's a struggle against oneself. 

Be the one to help others choose the right thing. I know that the choices I make are now my own, and no one has discouraged me into doing the wrong thing. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Free Will

Free will! Amazing! This is one of the many amazing ways God shows that he really does love us and it shows that when ce come to him and love him our love for him is worth having. I have had people that I've wanted to become my friends, and once we became friends we started loving each other and our friendship is worth fighting for.

It surely is lovely to have free will, although it does make sin possible it also makes true love with God possible. God has asked us to share his word so that others will come to love him as much as we do. We are not a puppet told what to do, we can choose to love God and that is how I have come to love God, this is one way we are free in God's love. We have free will, please choose the one who loves you, he will keep you safe.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

My Bible Notes

These are some of many of the little notes in the pages of my bible, I hope these encourage you. They have helped me through a lot.
  • The world doesn't revolve around me Phil 2:5-11
  • Faith, love and Hope anide, the greatest of these is love
  • It is my desire if it is your will.
  • The older people of our generation have low expectations of us. Let us set higher standards for the men and women we should be.
  • Slow down in life or you'll miss the blessings
  • Dear reader, you are not alone even if you feel like it
  • I will serve where I'm needed
  • Obeying the Lord- obey your parents as they are righteously preparing you. if they are not don't obey their wishes that wouldn't please the Lord.
  • What you will thank your parents for is shaping you
  • We need to choose between worldly fun and fulfilling, but fulfilling can be fun too.
  • Some think the bible's rules keep us from freedom, but what it does is help us towards freedom
  • Don't consider appearances because God looks at the heart.
  • The quality of this life will be better if you surround yourself with the Lord. 
  • We trust that God knows best.  

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


These are some of the goals I want to fulfill this month:

  • Be better to my siblings
  • Talk about my relationship with the Lord to my friends
  • Tell others what I am thankful for
  • Go on a hike
  • Start a journal
  • Fix up my blog
  • Read To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Start of the school year successfully
  • Become friends with the new kids
  • Revive my relationship with my best friend 
  • Read my devotional book
  • Keep a planner
  • Pray more often
  • Set my locker up 

Monday, August 3, 2015


Lots of times I find myself thinking, "God why are you doing this to me?!" The thing is, he isn't doing anything, except trying to protect you. He gives blessings upon blessings to us. But most times we take advantage of our blessings and we don't even realize what they are.

For instance we have plenty of water, food, and clothing, we also have the internet and we don't even need it! So why complain? God causes no troubles in our lives whatsoever, he does let them happen a lot but each time he carries us through the tough times. Have you ever stopped to just thank God for the chair your sitting in? See we can't complain when we have what we need. Someone else always has it off worse than us.

Instead thank God for everything, even your troubles because you can learn so much from them.  I have learnt so much form God during my hard times. I'm going to challenge you readers to thank God for everything you wouldn't have noticed and to do this at the end of the day.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

A Journal Entry

I've seen Christ everywhere today! I have the chance to go to camp every day and it's such a blessing! I saw God in everything today my friends, the weather, and the light shining out of everyone's hearts. I also reconnected with God today, I've recently been focusing on materialistic things, and I felt like a mannequin. I kept praying over and over again but I felt as if I had no love behind my prayers, as if I didn't want anything to happen. God answered all my prayers today.

I have a constant need for Christ but I don't always know it. I know he is always there to watch me and help me through my rough times and he has a need for my love. I do love God above all else, and that's the most important thing ever. But most times I am distracted because of everything around me, especially gossip.  I need to be the Christ-like example that I should be.

I always have a tug on my brain and heart pulling me back towards Christ every time. I surrender over and over again, more than all the times you see your favorite characters breaking up and getting back together on your favorite tv show. It's tough admitting that you've been wrong but Christ always accepts your apologies with open arms. That's one thing I love about God he is never willing to give up on us. He is awesome.

This is what I would normally write in a journal. Excuse the madness of this post. and thanks so much if you read this whole post. With love, -Emma