Journaling. Where do to begin?
I love journaling, it creates a safe environment and a place where others can't tear you down. It's feelings on paper, but really it's your life on paper. Journaling has a sort of therapeutic sense. It helps calm nerves. I started journaling in fourth grade and I haven't been able to go a full month without it, up until now.
Having not journaled for about two months there has been a change in my attitude, I'm angrier. Normally I would write all my anger out in one of my little books, but I just don't have the fuel too.
My grandmother and I both keep journals. She has around 200 and they all have a different purpose. For instance one might be about funny things she has seen, and another may be about one Christmas she can remember from when she was a child. I always have trouble deciding what my each of my journals topics might be. Because of my troubles here is a list of topics to get you out of your "stump".
Little rules of life
A detailed monthly journal
Question and Answer booklet
Things you remember from before kindergarten
Jokes you've heard
A food journal
Make a recipe book
Write down 10,000 things you should be thankful for
A journal about your anger. Then burn it
Do not make a burn book, only burn your books if they're really bad
Ideas you've had
A prayer journal
Books and their reviews
A quote/poetry/lyrics journal
A how/wow/pow journal- this is how God has blessed you, something amazing that has happened to you, and a negative part of your day
Have fun with your journals, write whatever you want to in them! It's your thinking pad.