Thursday, September 24, 2015


Journaling. Where do to begin? 
I love journaling, it creates a safe environment and a place where others can't tear you down. It's feelings on paper, but really it's your life on paper. Journaling has a sort of therapeutic sense. It helps calm nerves. I started journaling in fourth grade and I haven't been able to go a full month without it, up until now. 
Having not journaled for about two months there has been a change in my attitude, I'm angrier. Normally I would write all my anger out in one of my little books, but I just don't have the fuel too.
My grandmother and I both keep journals. She has around 200 and they all have a different purpose. For instance one might be about funny things she has seen, and another may be about one Christmas she can remember from when she was a child. I always have trouble deciding what my each of my journals topics might be. Because of my troubles here is a list of topics to get you out of your "stump". 

Little rules of life
A detailed monthly journal
Question and Answer booklet
Things you remember from before kindergarten
Jokes you've heard
A food journal
Make a recipe book
Write down 10,000 things you should be thankful for
A journal about your anger. Then burn it
Do not make a burn book, only burn your books if they're really bad
Ideas you've had
A prayer journal
Books and their reviews
A quote/poetry/lyrics journal
A how/wow/pow journal- this is how God has blessed you, something amazing that has happened to you, and a negative part of your day

Have fun with your journals, write whatever you want to in them! It's your thinking pad. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Inspirational Verses pt.1

There are many, many, and many verses. I have decided to start a monthly series of inspirational verses.  I would have never thought of these before I saw them pop up on Pintrest. Some of these I have had to think about really hard, there are just some verses and parts of the bible that all of us can't wrap our minds around. These are just some that I have managed to pick up.

Revelation 21:4- One day GOD will wipe away every tear and take away all your pain. 

Isaiah 58:9- Then you shall call and the LORD will answer, you will cry and he shall say, "Here I am." 

Philliphians 1:6- He will finish what he has started. 
Psalm 28:7- The LORD is my strength and my shield in him my heart trusts. 

1 Corinthians 1:9-  She holds onto hope for he is forever faithful. 

John 13:7- Jesus replied," You do not understand what I am doing now, but someday you will."

Psalms 143:8- Show me the way I should walk. 

Luke 1:37- "For no word of GOD will ever fail." 

Matthew 5:14- Be the light

Friday, September 11, 2015

Harry Potter

Harry Potter made into a devotional. Woah?! What just happened? 

So to sum up Harry Potter, there is a school for children with magical powers. Because they can't be accepted for their abilities anywhere else in the country, so they go to Hogwarts. They go to this place because this is their purpose. 

There are teachers there who help these children develop their abilities. And there is a place for every person in this series. Each character has a purpose.

Throughout the series you see a character, Neville Longbottom, doing very badly in school, and he isn't so good at magic. In the end he has a purpose, instead of a shy chunky little kid he becomes a strong brave fighter for what he believes in.

He has a purpose. 

Harry develops his skills with the work of his teachers and friends who (most times) push him to do the right thing. He defeats Voldemort with his awesome skills.
He has a purpose. Just like you.

God put you here because you are ment for something, you have a purpose. There are teachers in your life who will help you become the warriors of the Lord that you are meant to be. 

They will push you to being brave and selfless. You have a purpose like everyone else. You were sent to the place you are now because that place will help you become the strong man/woman you are for the Lord. 

You have a purpose. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Good Friends


What is a good friend? A good friend is someone who stands by you during all times. I know I am not always a good friend. I have always need God's help with this.

I don't especially like saying that I'm not a good friend, but it's the truth. Sometimes I am biased about who I hang out with. Jesus was never like that. He loved everyone, he was friends with everyone he came in contact with, and those he didn't. Like me. 

Jesus wasn't biased. I want to be like him. So to completely answer the question, "What is a good friend" here is my answer.a good friend doesn't say bad things behind your back, they don't tell one person something and not the other. Like the saying says, "Friends make secrets, but secrets don't make friends." Good friends lift each other up and encourage at all times. I want to be this friend and I want you to be this friend to everyone. 

Jesus was a friend to everyone... Including me. I tell Christ all my troubles because he listens. All the time. He tells you the answer to your problems. He won't tell right away but he gives a path for you to follow without you realizing it. This is confusing, I know, but I have no other way to explain it! God is great and his love satisfies. Turn to him. 


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Faith, Freedom, and Foster Care

Faith. My goodness, so much rests on this. I can't begin to comprehend what life without God would be like. I struggle, I struggle with believing and sometimes loving God. Although I have grown up in a Christian environment I still struggle. 

I struggle because Satan likes to whisper these ridiculous questions in my ear. For instance, "Are you sure the bible wasn't made up?" "How is there such evil in the world?" "Why not do that?" 

These questions shake me. I trip and fall. This summer my foster sister left while I was at camp, and went back to her mom. I was depressed because I loved her so much, I love so much. I beginning to feel that God was trying to be "mean" to me. Really though, he was teaching me a lesson. My counselor (I love her so much too) sat on a porch swing with me and we talked for an hour.

I told her why I was crying and she comforted me. We talked about foster care and how we do our by loving each child that comes along, and showing them that they are loved so much! That is why God has put foster children into my family, because they need to grow up in a loving environment and with Christ. I am there to give them this. 

We sat in silence for awhile, just watching the leaves blow in the wind. And to let me cry. She said, "You know, God is like the wind. We know he is there, we can feel him, but we can't see him." 

This is one of the two things God taught me that day. He grabbed me by my hand and said, "Stop! I am here! And I love you. I have a plan for you and for your foster sister. I have not forgotten you. Hold on to me. I am holding on to you." 

I hope you find your blessings in the hardest of times. -Emma