One of the first things I think of when I wake up is what I will wear, and how I am going to “deal with” someone or a certain situation. I do not think about how I can help further the kingdom. I do not wake up thanking God for the day. I think about what is wrong. Sometimes I wish I could tattoo myself permanently with personal reminders!
When I was baptized I let the Spirit of God dwell in my body and in my spirit. I have the Spirit of God within me. What am I doing to glorify Him? I want to work as a spirit, not a body.
When I work as a body I think about my image when I work, what does my neck look like? How frizzy is my hair? How uneven are my eyes right now? Are there pimples on my face? When we work as a spirit to glorify the Breather of Stars we forget it all.
All is left behind. “Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me, and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” -Matthew 9:37-39
When serving out of LOVE all will be lost. When I read whoever finds his life will lose it- I think that if we find our worldly life when serving to be greater than dying to self while serving we are forgetting what we were made to do and what Christ made us for, expects of us. When I think of someone who exhibits this none of self and all of Thee attitude I think of Kayla Rogers. She is a light to many, including myself. She sees and reflects on the wonder and mystery of God often.
When I think of Kayla Rogers I think more of her kind heart, willing soul, and love for the Life Breather. She has the attitude of “none of self, all of Thee”, she is beautiful because of her heart, rather than what she wears, or how her hair looks. This counts for any given day! I want to be like her in this way. She finds beauty in the most simple things, like a flower petal. She can see the LORD in a flower petal.
How cool is that?
I want to be like her in this, she is like Jesus. I can see Him shining through her. She glorifies Him in all she does. When she spills her coffee. Maybe she embarrasses herself a bit she doesn’t let that ruin her day! She gets up and praises God for what He has done for her. This reminds me of when I was little. After we prayed my family would lie on the ground and praise God with what we had. We would lift our hands in the air and wiggle our fingers. We would say, “Praaaaiiiisssseee Goooood!” Then we would lift our feet in the air and wiggle our toes and say the same thing. We did that often. When I look back on that I think fondly because I see what my parents were trying to show us. Even when we feel like we have nothing to praise God with, when we don’t know how to glorify Him in words, we praise Him with what we have. We give Him all. The Bethel song, Have It All, comes to mind while recalling this memory.
Why do we humans feel the need to dress to impress? I have stereotyped people due to what they wear and how they groom themselves. (Heidi Wornock is so good at not doing this). Why do we find confidence in what we wear? I want to find my confidence in Christ! When I look in the mirror, I want to think, “Yep, that’s me, I am created in God’s image. I am His masterpiece, His poem.” And move on.
Cover mirrors
Hide the makeup
Keep mobile data off
Listen to your mother when she tells you not to watch videos.
Take care of yourself, because you house the Spirit of God
This means you need to work out.
Drink plenty of water.
Eat healthy food.
Don’t replace desserts with other foods.
These are things I want to do because these are some of the things keeping me from God. They’re distractions. Fasting is difficult, and I NEED to do it.