First of all I don't know why I asked, because I know I'm not. I know I am fearfully and wonderfully made! That is the most awesome thing ever! I was made how God wanted me to be made.
The thing is that I also do what God does NOT want me to do, and that isn't okay. I realized just today that I laugh at the things that aren't funny. At all.
At lunch I was being very quiet and just listening to the conversation around me, sadly I can only hear out of one ear at the moment, but what I did hear was not okay. I heard all my good friends laughing at sin. SIN?! I mean how is that supposed to be funny!?
It struck me that sin is the butt of most jokes today and that I laugh at that. God wanted me to laugh for joy and love, not dirty rotten sin. I talked to some girls after school about this and I was saying this you could see the realization on their faces, like they just had a lightbulb moment. I promised to myself that If Jesus wouldn't laugh about it then, I shouldn't. No one should.
Ephesians 5:4~ Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving!
I'm pretty sure this sums it up. I actually had to look up the word obscenity before I typed it, one of the relegated words that popped up was impure. I thought that put a pin on it. I want to let cheerful topics be the things we laugh about.
I asked if I am generic because everyone else laughs about these things, including me. I didn't stop it I didn't do anything to change it or show that I am different from the others. I want to be special and not generic.
-Emma Grace